Description: A competitive Defuse map for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive set in a factory complex, featuring various engagement distances, routes and points of interest. Fighting takes place both indoors and outdoors, with ample cover and unique bomb-site designs.
Description: A custom map for Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, set in a gang-occupied Diner. The level blends visual storytelling with the classic, tight Hotline Miami level design to create a succinct yet robust experience for the player. The level was revised multiple times to ensure the mission retained a standard of difficulty shared by those of the main series.
Description: A project in Unreal Engine 4 to create an encounter-space for The Last of Us Part II. The level attempts to utilise the game's traversal mechanics to include verticality, climbing and crawlspaces as well as distributing cover to afford a variety of playstyles from stealth to shootouts. Wrapped up in a post-apocalyptic downtown setting.
Description: A custom (currently untitled) Left 4 Dead 2 campaign made in Valve Hammer Editor, supporting (and balanced for) 4 player co-op and 8 player Versus modes. The campaign will consist of 3 chapters, and prioritises a fun multiplayer experience over narrative canon, whilst attempting to retain the post-apocalyptic feel of the main series.
Description: A compilation of various level blockouts to further develop and enhance my level design skills and capabilities. All of which created for the #Blocktober trend on Twitter.
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